This photo series explores Details of Munich’s Quartiersplatz on Theresienhöhe, an urban meeting point and public space designed as the centerpiece of a new residential and commercial district. The square exemplifies how modern urban planning integrates artificially designed landscapes with materials, textures, and architectural elements to create a cohesive city environment. The images capture how carefully chosen materials and design elements harmoniously connect the buildings with the open space.
Additionally, the series offers a critical yet neutral perspective on the Quartiersplatz as a living environment. Serving both aesthetic and social functions, this space is examined as part of the urban habitat. The series reflects on how this artificially created landscape influences the lives of its residents and what impact such spaces have on the broader urban ecosystem. The photos invite viewers to consider the significance and value of these spaces within the context of modern city life for the citizens living there.
Capture Information: August 2022, Digital Fullframe