A Journey Between Earth and Sky

Horizons have long fascinated humanity. They mark the boundary between the known and the unknown, between what we see and what lies beyond. In this photo series on horizons, I aimed to capture this magical transition. The focus is on the view from land over the sea to where the horizon merges with the sky.

Each photograph in this series tells a story of longing and hope. The horizon, where sky meets sea, symbolizes our quest for greater experiences and insights. It is a place of clarity and mystery, inviting us to look beyond our current limits and reflect on the unknown.

These images remind us that the horizon is always moving—it recedes as we advance. This metaphor mirrors our lives: our goals and dreams evolve as we progress. The horizon is never static, just as we should remain open to change and exploration.

Meanwhile, these photos offer peace and stability. The horizon, though shifting, remains a constant line of orientation. In a chaotic world, this steady line helps us find our center and direction.

Ultimately, the horizon represents limitless potential. It shows that each day brings new opportunities to expand our perspectives and explore new horizons. This photo series encourages you to pause, look into the distance, and remember that life holds more than what we initially see.

Capture Information: 2022-2023, Analog (FujiFilm) and Digital Medium Format

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