Entries into water go beyond functional transitions between land and water; they serve as symbolic gateways. These points invite us to cross the threshold between the familiar and the unknown. Stepping from solid ground into the unpredictable expanse of water is an act of trust. It requires a moment of letting go, immersing ourselves in elements beyond the familiar surface.
Not only do these points offer access to water, but they also provide a return to solid ground. Emerging from the water, we regain the stability of the earth beneath our feet, symbolizing the return to reality. This moment, enriched by the experience of immersion, invites reflection as we transition back to the familiar. The solid ground offers the stability needed for our next steps in life.
The design of entry and exit points reflects the balance between safety and freedom. Solid steps and sturdy handrails guide us both into and out of the water, ensuring our journey is both adventurous and secure. They symbolize the balance we seek in life—the courage to explore the unknown, coupled with the assurance that a return to safety is always possible.
Entries into water embody life’s cyclical nature, moving between stillness and movement, between immersion and emergence. These places encourage reflection, allowing us to immerse not just in water but also in our thoughts. Returning from the water, we emerge with new strength and clarity, transformed by the experience.
Capture Information: 2022 – 2024, Analog and Digital Medium Format