This portrait series narrates my unique collaboration with Agnes, a model I met by chance on a warm summer day. Originally from Kenya, Agnes had a captivating presence that fascinated me. I approached her, introduced myself, and shared my contact information, hoping she might be interested in a photoshoot. Initially, I didn’t hear back.

A few months later, in winter, Agnes unexpectedly contacted me and agreed to a shoot. Our first session took place early in the morning in the forest, where I aimed to blend the natural surroundings with traditional Kenyan attire. Despite the complex setup, the forest shoot was a wonderful experience, resulting in exceptionally beautiful photos.

Our collaboration proved so enjoyable that we quickly planned additional shoots. These included sessions by and in the lake, where the interplay of water, light, and nature created a unique atmosphere. Finally, we worked in the studio, capturing another side of Agnes’s character in a controlled environment.

This series is more than a collection of portraits; it documents the journey Agnes and I embarked on. From our chance street encounter to engaging photoshoots, the diverse locations and settings highlight Agnes’s versatility and depth as both a person and a model.

Capture Information: 2021-2022, Digital Full Frame

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